What is Saturn return?
You’ve heard about Saturn return. Maybe one of your favorite Instagram astrologers has shared some tips on navigating it. But if you’re still not totally sure what it means, you’re in the right place. In this blog, I’m doing a deep dive on Saturn return.
Image cred: @namegoeshere
Let's get technical for second. Saturn return is the moment when the planet Saturn returns to the same degree of the same sign it was when you were born. It’s a 29.5 year cycle. Most of us will experience two Saturn returns in our lifetime - at 30 and 60, but if you make it to 90 you’ll have a third one. The first Saturn return is the transition from childhood to adulthood. The second one is adulthood to elderhood.
Saturn is sobering. It is a reality check. It’s the experience of realizing your actions have long term consequences. Saturn governs time, so the period in our late 20s is when we realize - I need substance and stability in my life. Before then, it’s not such a big deal to be with wrong partners, in the wrong career, or living in the wrong city. Saturn return is the time to set yourself up for what will sustain you over the next 30 years.
If you don’t know it’s coming or you’re not paying attention, it can be shocking. It can feel like you woke up one day and realized - this marriage isn’t working. Or this career I've worked towards isn’t for me. Most of us experience major life changes during this time. And of course we all handle change in different ways.
Who is experiencing Saturn return right now? And who will experience it next?
At the time of this writing, Saturn is in Aquarius. People with the same Saturn sign are like cohorts. The cohort with Saturn in Aquarius, you are in the last 6 months of your Saturn return. Saturn is finishing up his three year tour through Aquarius, and he will move on to Pisces in March 2023.
I view the Saturn return as the entire three year period Saturn transits a given sign. For the Saturn in Aquarius cohort, it’s December 2020 through March 2023. The most intense time is when Saturn is exact by degree. As of October 2022 when I’m writing this, Saturn is around 18 Aquarius. So if in your birth chart you have 18 Aquarius or later, the most intense period is right now or has not yet happened. If you have natal Saturn at 0 Aquarius, the most intense period has passed. But I will say from my own experience and my experience reading client charts, it’s not over until it’s over. I’m part of the Saturn in Capricorn cohort. Even though I have a 12 degree Saturn, I was still feeling the pressure right up until December 2020. And when Saturn went into Aquarius, I felt a huge sense of relief.
If you have Saturn in Pisces, you're up next. You’re in the hot seat. This is your time to get real with yourself. Some things in your life might not withstand the tests of Saturn. That’s Saturn’s job - to make sure that the structures we have built in our lives can withstand the test of time. It’s like Saturn is coming over to your house and checking the foundation. And if the foundation is shitty, he’s going to knock it all down and ask you to rebuild it.
Your natal Saturn house placement
The house where you have natal Saturn is significant. It can point to specific themes that might be prevalent during your Saturn return. For example, if you have Saturn in the 10th house, your career will be front and center. If you have Saturn in the 7th house, your relationships will be in the spotlight.
Here’s how you can find out. Cast your chart using astro-charts.com. I use the whole sign house system, but you can use whatever house system you prefer. Find Saturn in your chart, and see which house it’s in. Then you can google “5th house topics astrology” if you have Saturn in the 5th house.
The house topics will show you where the lessons might play out. But because Saturn is so foundation and so structural, it will be about more than those house topics.
Day Chart versus Night Chart
Knowing if you were born in the day versus the night is really helpful information for your Saturn return. This concept is based on an astrological theory called sect. One of my teachers Chris Brennan has a great video explaining this concept in depth if you want to learn more.
People who were born at night have charts that function differently than people who were born in the day. If you were born at night, Saturn tends to be more challenging in your chart. That means your Saturn return might feel more intense. It might feel like things are falling apart. Like you’re getting hit really hard. For example, you might have to move across the country when you weren’t planning it. Or you get laid off when you had no idea lay offs were coming, and you have to figure out a new job asap. For people born during the day time, it can feel more constructive. Like you make a career change that seems a little scary, but overall you feel good about it.
And if you were born during the day, you’re not like off the hook. You just have different challenges. People who were born during the day struggle more with Mars. People at born at night can utilize Mars more constructively. That's a different topic for a different blog, but I wanted to mention it.
I hope this blog was helpful and gives you some more information and context for Saturn return. If you want to dive deeper into yourself, I offer astrology readings and astrology counseling. You can learn more about it here.
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