What you need to know about Saturn in Pisces

As I’m writing this in February 2023, Saturn is in the final degrees of Aquarius. Saturn has been in Aquarius since March 2020. I don’t think I need to remind anyone what was going on in March 2020. Saturn in Aquarius has been a wild ride.


But let’s back up even further to Saturn in Capricorn, which was 2017 to 2020. Saturn co-rules Aquarius and Capricorn in traditional astrology. I use traditional astrology in my astrology counseling practice. The last 6 years Saturn has been in one of his home signs or signs of rulership.

When planets are in rulership, they can function very well. It’s like when you are in your own house. In your house, you set the tone. You can choose the decor, the temperature, and the music. Ideally you are very comfortable there. It’s your own space. You’re the ruler. When a planet is in rulership, the energy of that planet comes through strong. Just like when you are in your own home - your energy is in everything.

Saturn in Capricorn and Saturn in Aquarius Years

The last 6 years have been very Saturnian. Saturn is the planet of time, aging, and structures in our society. Saturn says no to things and is sobering. Saturn is about building foundations that stand the test of time. Saturn tends to slow things down and hold us back. So having Saturn in rulership for the past 6 years means that these themes have been strong. They’ve been in the collective air we’ve all been breathing.

The tone of Saturn in Capricorn (2017-2020) versus Saturn in Aquarius (2020-2023) is different. Capricorn is an earth sign, which focuses on that which is tangible. Capricorn builds and has an eye for the long term. Aquarius is an air sign, which focuses on the social and intellectual realm. Aquarius thinks about what is possible in our society. Capricorn is a cardinal sign, which initiates and leads. Aquarius is a fixed sign, which sustains and focuses. In an episode of The Astrology Podcast, I heard Austin Coppock describe Saturn as a wall. Capricorn is everything within the wall, and Aquarius is everything beyond the wall. Capricorn is concerned with legacy, while Aquarius is concerned with the future.

As we approach the end of Saturn moving through both of his own signs, set aside some time to reflect. Reflect on the last three years. What has changed? What structures have you built? What has Saturn said no to in your life? And then ask yourself those same questions about the last six years.

Saturn in Pisces

On March 7th, 2023, Saturn will end its six year tour through it’s home signs. Saturn will be in Pisces until 2026. This is a massive tone shift. Saturn is moving into Jupiter’s domain (Pisces is ruled by Jupiter). Jupiter is about expansion and growth. The planet that says no to things is moving into the realm of emotional connection and spiritual growth. We are moving into a new cycle, and the energy is bound be much different.

Pisces is a very open and expansive energy. As a water sign, we are in the realm of emotions. As a mutable sign, it tends to be open to change and transitions. Pisces energy can hold two contradicting ideas at once. It’s not a black and white thinking, and it has the ability to see the situation as a whole. Pisces energy can consider each part of a situation or dialogue as having an element of truth

Think for a moment about mutable water. You can’t hold mutable water. You can’t grab onto it. The image of mist comes to mind for me. Pisces connects to what you can’t grasp. There is not a lot of intrinsic limitations or boundaries. Pisces can give a lot (very Jupiter) and overextend. It can also manifest as being overly enthusiastic (again very Jupiter). Especially about Piscean topics like spirituality, oneness, and connection.

Pisces planets want to know about what’s deep and mysterious. Pisces wants to know what’s out there in the vast depths of space, what’s under the ocean, and what’s deep inside the psyche. And if you’re in that kind of terrain, you need specialized tools to hook and hold slippery truths. With Pisces, we’re aren’t looking at what we can see, but rather what we can feel. The focus is on the unseen or what you can sense. It’s the intuitive realm. Anything that is not tangible. As a person with a Pisces stellium, this is my favorite realm! I think Saturn in Pisces has the potential ground and stabilize this slippery space.

What Saturn in Pisces means for you

Saturn will restructure the Pisces part of your birth for the next three years. You can look to your rising sign to see which life topics will be going through the tests of Saturn:

Aries rising: Your mental health, isolation

Taurus rising: Your friendships, your community

Gemini rising: Your career, your public reputation

Cancer rising: Your education, travel, and spirituality

Leo rising: Your deep healing work

Virgo rising: Your romantic relationships, your close friends and partnerships

Libra rising: Your daily work routines, your health

Scorpio rising: Your creativity, your sexuality

Sagittarius rising: Your home, your family lineage

Capricorn rising: Your communication, your siblings

Aquarius rising: Your personal finances, your values

Pisces rising: Your sense of self, your body

Overall, I'm (mostly) excited about this transition. I'm curious about what it will bring. If you want dig more into your birth chart or timing for important life events, schedule a reading with me.


Curious? Good! Take the next step ☟


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