Press + Publications

10 Signs It’s Time To Switch Therapists
“Your relationship is the foundation of the work,” says Lauren Donelson, a licensed marriage and family therapist associate in Seattle. “If you’re not feeling safe to open up or if you don’t trust your therapist, you might want to consider switching.”
Can We Really Predict the Future?
“When it comes to addressing problems and solutions, astrology is the “what” and therapy is the “how.” For thousands of years, humans have looked to the sky to understand earthly systems.”
Real Simple, September 2022 [print]
Yoga for the body you have: A Seattle program is changing the way we talk about yoga, health and eating disorder recovery
“Opal therapist and yoga teacher Lauren Donelson said for her, teaching yoga is about ‘connecting with present moment sensations you’re experiencing — what’s actually going on in your body instead of what the culture tells you that you should think about your body.’ ”
Continue reading in the Seattle Times
My career as a yoga teacher was a cover for my eating disorder
“During my second session with my therapist, I burst into tears when I realized my entire career was built on an eating disorder. I made a living teaching people about an ancient spiritual practice while my own primary motivation was to shrink my body.”
On the Pisces Aries Cusp: What It Means When You’re a Mix of Both Signs
Are cusps in astrology real? Donelson says yes, in the sense that you can be born at the very end of one sign and close to another sign. However, she adds, the misconception is that if you’re born on the cusp you’re a combination of the two signs, which isn’t true.
Continue reading in Well + Good
It's Time to Add Moon Gazing to Your Meditation Practice
"If the moon is new or waxing, think of something you'd like to grow. If the moon is full or waning, think of something you'd like to let go of. Hold that idea in your mind as you moon gaze."
Therapists share questions for new clients to ask their therapists
As a therapist who specializes in eating disorders, Lauren Donelson echoed the importance of understanding a therapist's specialties. "Ask your therapist what they specialize in. Graduate training is very broad, and most therapists are not trained to treat every condition."
How to Use Astrology to Better Understand Your Partner
“…the more each partner is aware of themselves and their patterns, the easier they can relate to and understand their partner,” Lauren Donelson, MA, LMFTA, a therapist and astrologer, tells SheKnows. “Astrology can help us identify and affirm parts of ourselves that aren’t necessarily celebrated by our culture.”
How To Plan The Perfect First Date, Based On Someone’s Zodiac Sign
According to astrologer Lauren Donelson the Sun sign signifies your identity, soul, and mind. “It's your basic nature,” she says. If you need help planning a date, someone’s sun sign can clue you into their likes and dislikes, whether they prefer being around large groups of people or prefer something more low-key, the types of environments they’re more comfortable in, and the activities that will allow their personality to shine.
16 Ways To Practice Self-Care That Cost Next To Nothing
“Journaling helps us externalize what’s going on inside our heads, and it helps us to look at our thoughts more objectively.”