The Astrology of Your Forties

A black and white image with a woman holding a lighter.

Every decade contains its own unique astrology signatures. The forties is no different. What’s truly wild to me is how little astrological information there is out there about this decade. Most the transits we experience in our forties are once in a lifetime events. Even the events that occur more than once are still rare. In this blog, I’m going to break down the Pluto square, the Neptune square, the Uranus opposition, and the Saturn opposition.

Your late 30s and early 40s: The Pluto Square

Many people have already begun their Pluto square as they enter into their 40s. But depending on your birth chart and your natal Pluto placement, it might not start until after you hit 40. The Pluto square means transiting Pluto is making a 90 degree angle, known as a square, to your natal Pluto.

Pluto is a generational planet. The Boomers have Pluto in Leo and Virgo. Gen X has Pluto in Libra. Millennials have Pluto in Scorpio. Gen Z has Pluto in Sagittarius. As I’m writing this in fall 2023, Pluto is finishing up its 20ish year tour through Capricorn. This means the youngest Gen Xers are finishing up their Pluto square. Millennials are up next. If you have Pluto at zero degrees of Scorpio, you have already had a little taste of your Pluto square.

Depending on your birth chart, this could be the first Pluto transit you’ve ever experienced. For millennials, most of us have Capricorn placements. We’re not strangers to the intensity of Pluto. As both a therapist and astrologer, I witness a lot of metaphorical death during this transit. Pluto is the force of destruction and regeneration. It not always pleasant. Sometimes you are pushed to let go of something you’ve been holding onto your entire life.

In his book Planets in Transit, Rob Hand says, “This transit will root out precisely those elements of the past that are not good for you, even those aspects that you have forgotten about. Problems that you may have lost track of entirely but which are still working unconsciously in your life may reappear and become active now, usually but not always to your detriment.” In my practice, I work with a lot of people who come in for an astrology reading or therapy during these years. It’s like you can feel something is shifting deep beneath the surface. There are important transits in your 30s, but this is the first huge shift since Saturn return. This is the perfect time for a trauma reprocessing therapy like IFS. When we can reprocess our past, we open space to grow into our future.

40-42: The Neptune Square

As I’m sitting down to write this section, I’m suddenly at a loss for words. Typical Neptune. Neptune is known for illiciting fog and confusion. Some people experience fatigue and disenchantment. Others experience enhanced creativity and spiritual awakenings under Neptune. Depending on your birth chart, the Neptune square may have some overlap with Pluto square. It goes down from ages 40-42. Neptune square means transiting Neptune is squaring your natal Neptune.

Your 20s and 30s are about building and establishing yourself in adulthood. Then we get to the Neptune square and you’re asking - was it all worth it? Big existential questions come up. You might be feeling ready to change direction. Or you’re fantasizing about the other path(s) you could have taken. Rob Hand says that the issue with changing course now is that “Neptunian vibrations are not the best influence for making well-thought-out changes in your life.”

The Neptune square can make you feel generally out of sorts. Like you don’t know where you’re going. Maybe you’ve had a great relationship for years but now things don’t seem quite right. Neptune can pull us towards mind-altering substances. In my practice, I see a lot of folks exploring psychedelic medicines. This would be a great time to connect with your spiritual side. Take a meditation course, pick up your old tarot deck, or attend a retreat.

Age 42-44ish: The Uranus Opposition

On the heels of the Neptune square, we have the Uranus opposition. It usually occurs around age 42. Remember how I said a lot happens in your 40s? I wasn’t kidding! The opposition means transiting Uranus has made it 180 degrees from where it was when you were born.

Uranus is the planet of change, rebellion, authenticity, and breaking free. The image that comes to mind for me with Uranus is lightening. It’s an awakening. Like you’ve been walking around in the dark, and now the light is on. You’re seeing things that you couldn’t before. With the awakening, comes a sense of urgency.

This transit often brings a desire for independence. Anything that is stopping you from being free and authentic will fall away. The rebellious nature of Uranus will have you questioning societal norms. And open you up to new ideas. Your values might change. You could realize that a value or message you’ve been given by family or culture isn’t for you. New hobbies and interests could emerge that were never on your radar before.

The Uranus opposition is sometimes called with the midlife crisis transit. One could argue any of the transits in your forties could contribute to a midlife crisis. But this one tends to be the most shocking. It’s about being honest and true to yourself, even if other people don’t like it. Depending on how far you’ve been from your true self, this energy often shocks you and the people around you. It can feel like things are falling apart. But what is usually happening is you’re getting closer to who you’ve always been deep down.

Even though I haven’t experienced my Uranus opposition, I’ve had some pretty wild experiences with Uranus. I’ve had Uranus conjoin my moon and my midheaven in recent years. I have to say - the shock factor is real. The essence of Uranus is that we can’t know what’s coming. I know that’s not super helpful advice! But I’d rather know something unexpected is coming, even if I have no idea what it is, than be blindsided.

Age 44-46: The Saturn Opposition

If you’re familiar with Saturn return, you already know some of the functions of Saturn. Saturn is the planet of boundaries, limitations, aging, investments, tough lessons, and hard work. Saturn wants us to commit to investing in what will yield a good return in the future. Rob Hand says, “Your reaction to this transit depends a great deal upon how you have handled your life in the past several years.” That makes sense, given all the major transits leading up to this one.

This is a good time to think back on your Saturn return. Reevaluate what has happened since then. What choices did you make when you were about 30? Saturn return is often a time of beginnings. What did you invest in at that time? Are you investments providing a good return? Or is it time to rethink them? For example, many people marry or enter into long term partnerships at Saturn return. At the Saturn opposition, it could be helpful to consider how far you’ve come together. And what you want your relationship to be in the future. It’s a time to take stock of your career achievements. Are you satisfied with your work? Have you achieved what you set out to do?

If you’ve made good investments, you’ll likely start to see some major returns at this transit. If this is a tough time for you, you still have time to course correct. The next 15 years will be about gathering resources. Think about where you want to be for your second Saturn return at age 60. You may also come face to face with other unresolved responsibilities. It’s time to confront various duties in your personal and professional life.

The Saturn opposition is the midway point of your Saturn return cycle. It’s been 15 years since your first Saturn return, and you’re 15 years away from your 2nd one. You’ve likely gained a lot of wisdom. Is it time to offer some of that wisdom to the younger folks around you? A big theme of the Saturn opposition is authority and responsibility. Let’s say you’ve stayed attuned to yourself through the many shifts and changes of your 30s and 40s. You find yourself stepping into a leadership role or taking on more responsibility.

In your forties, the astrological transits bring about a significant chapter of transformation, self-discovery, and reevaluation. These transits are pivotal moments that prompt you to take stock of your lives. It's time to question your choices and embrace change. These transits can feel like a cosmic push and pull. They challenge the status quo while urging you to embrace newfound wisdom and freedom.

I hope this blog provides some helpful context for the astrology transits you experience in your forties! I help folks navigate this period in my therapy practice. If you’re interested in working together, schedule a free 15 minute consultation.


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The Astrology of Your Thirties